UAD Strengthen Cooperation in Thailand
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan participated in Thailand Education Fair at Convention Center of Prince of Songkla University. In this opportunity, Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office of UAD) and Ina Ruslinah, M.Hum. (Staff of International Office of UAD) introduced UAD to thousands of visitors who visited UAD’s booth. The visitors are mostly students of Senior High Schools, students of Junior High Schools, their teachers, representatives of UAD’s partner schools in Thailand, alumni of UAD, etc.
Further, Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. and Ruslinah, M.Hum. were invited by Consulate of Republic Indonesia in Songhkla. In this visit, they discussed series of cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand, besides representative of Consulate of Republic Indonesia in Songhkla appreciated large number cooperation between UAD and Educational Institutions in Thailand.
In the next day, representative of Directorate of Higher Education of Muhammadiyah Central Assembly, Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office of UAD) and some representatives of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Higher Education discussed series of possible cooperation with representatives of Prince of Songkla University.