Again, UAD Delivers 16 Alumni to Teach at Some Schools in Thailand
Monday, April 28, 2014, Vice Rector III UAD, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., officially delivered 16 alumni who will teach at some schools in Thailand. The alumni come from Faculty of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication, and Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Beside the 16 new alumni, there are also 8 alumni starting their contract in May 2013, who continue their contract teaching. Therefore, there are 22 alumni in total.
The 22 alumni will teach at some schools which are Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School, Islam Suksasat School, Bannrodfai School Pattaya, Songserm Wittaya Munniti School, Songsermsasana Vitaya School, Ansor Al Sunnah School Pharkpayoon Foundation, dan Darul Uloom School, Satun. Beside the 7 schools, there are also Prateeptham Islamic Foundation School and Sakofah Wittayapat School Krabi which are requesting for UAD alumni to teach at their schools.