The Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and the International Islamic University College Selangor (KUIS), organized a Short Course on Islamic Studies for International Students from October 21-25, 2024. The opening ceremony was held at the Amphitheater on the 9th floor of UAD’s Campus IV. This international event was conducted offline and online via Zoom, attracting around 400 participants from within Indonesia and 225 participants from abroad. The event’s theme was “Islam and Modernity: Balancing Tradition and Progress in Southeast Asia.”
Speakers for the short course came from various institutions, including Dr. Nur Kholis, M.Ag., Vice-Rector Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) at UAD, Prof. Sunawari Long, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at UKM, Dr. Rosni binti Wazir, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Civilization Studies at KUIS, Prof. Dr. Jaffary Awang from the Center for Usuluddin and Philosophy Studies at UKM, Dr. Suriani Sudi, Deputy Dean of Academic and Internationalization at KUIS, Fitria Sari Yunianti, S.S., M.Hum, Head of the Arabic Language and Literature Program (BSA) at UAD, Hatib Rachmawan, S.Pd., S.Th.I., M.Ag, Lecturer of Hadith Studies at UAD, Yazida Ichsan, S.Pd.I., M.Pd, Head of the Islamic Education Program (PAI) at UAD, Amrullah, S.E.I., M.A, Lecturer of Sharia Banking at UAD, and Dr. Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam, M.A., Lecturer of the Islamic Education Master’s Program (PAI) at UAD.
The Dean of FAI UAD, Dr. Arif Rahman, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I, delivered a welcoming address, stating, “This short course is an effort to increase international student enrollment at FAI UAD. We hope this activity provides valuable insights and crucial contributions, especially in seeking solutions to various social issues, particularly in education and religion.”
Vice-Rector for AIK at UAD, Dr. Nur Kholis, S.Ag., M.Ag., also gave remarks and officially opened the short course, saying, “On behalf of UAD’s leadership, we congratulate the organizers of this short course. We hope it will greatly benefit to institutions, especially fellow higher education institutions. With bismillahirrahmanirrahim, we officially declare the Short Course on Islamic Studies for International Students open.”
In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sunawari Long discussed the dynamic balance between Islamic tradition and modernity in Southeast Asia. He emphasized the importance of ijtihad (independent reasoning) and core values, adapting practices to engage with global Islamic thought, promoting moderate Islamic organizations, and fostering dialogues on gender and social justice. Southeast Asian Muslims, he explained, can create a harmonious relationship between religious traditions and modern demands, allowing them to remain faithful to their spiritual heritage while actively participating in the global modern world.
Dr. Rosni binti Wazir, another speaker, highlighted how Islam in Southeast Asia successfully balances religious traditions and modernity through interfaith dialogues based on principles of harmony and tolerance. Despite challenges such as pluralism and extremism, the role of religious leaders, inclusive education, and societal efforts continue to strengthen interfaith relations. Through education and effective dialogue, communities can maintain peace and progress in a diverse and harmonious religious environment.