Located at the meeting room of Dean office of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, on Tuesday, October, 25th 2016, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan under Psychology Faculty held technical meeting for one student of psychology faculty to study at UAD’s partner university, University of Saint Anthony (USANT), Philippines.
The student, Larasati Muthia Anzala Rahma, got full scholarship from The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia to study under credit transfer system program for six months at University of Saint Anthony, Philippines. Before getting this prestigious scholarship, she passed tight competitive selection.
Directorate General of Higher Education in the beginning of 2016 offered credit transfer system program for universities’ students to study in several countries in ASEAN, ASEAN plus Three (Korea, China, Japan) and Europe/ ASEM which based on Government’s strategic policy for 2016.
The first step of the selection is, Directorate General of Higher Education sent Information to the Office of International Affairs of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Then, it was forwarded to all study programs in the university. The registration was started on the 19th of May, and closed on the 1st of June 2016. The selection process consisted of document or administration selection, that was conducted by each faculty or study program and Office of International Affairs .
Some of the requested requirements of this scholarship are; first, students already have been at their third or sixth semester. Second, GPA must be at least three, and minimum TOFEL score is 450. Further, home university has an MoU with the foreign university partner (international partners) , then Get a Letter of Acceptance from one of those partners, after that, submitting the chosen subject, which will be learnt at the aimed university.
The event was attended by Drs. ChoirulAnam, M. Si., as (the Dean of UAD Psychology Faculty) FaridahAinunRohmah, S. Psi. M. Si. Psi., as (the vice Dean of UAD Psychology Faculty,) lecturers, The head of Office of International Affairs, Ida Puspita, M.A. Res. and staffs.
Besides that, Yudha Puratmaja, a student of Faculty of Public Health of UAD is granted the same scholarship to study in Khon Kaen Unversity (KKU), Thailand under Credit Transfer System Program.
He is scheduled to study at Faculty of Public Health of KKU from 1st of November 2016 to 28th of February 2017.
Yudha said, “It indeed will be my first marvelous experience during this year. As a private university, UAD always provides immense chance for the students to study abroad. Further, I deeply appreciate International Office of UAD who always fully support us”.
Ida Puspita, M.A. Res, (The head of Office of International Affairs) told, “ASEAN plus Three Scholarship program from The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education has been offered for the very first time, in 2016,Alhamdulilah UAD has been succeed to get seven scholarships at Partner Universities around ASEAN. Five scholarships at Malaysia Pahang University for Chemistry Engineering Study Program, One scholarship at Universiti Utara Malaysia for Law Study Program, One scholarship at KhonKaen University, Thailand for Public Health Study program, and one scholarship at University of Saint Anthony, Philippines for Psychology Study Program. We hope that UAD, especially the study programs and the students yearly are able to fully use all of this scholarship . UAD has a really great commitment to provide and find the opportunities for students to get international exposure at least around ASEAN with full support from the government, partial scholarship from the partnership U to U or subsidy from UAD.