Located at Ruang Auditorium Kampus 1 UAD, 21st of May 2016. Dr.Kasiyarno,M.Hum (Rector of UAD) and Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office of UAD) were officially opened Closing Ceremony of International Students graduation.
There were 113 International students graduated, they come from three different majors. 5 students of Darmasiswa Program (From China, South of Korea, Thailand and Ukraine),72 students of Economics Faculty of Joint Degree Program and 31 students of Faculty of Letters, Culture and Communication of Joint Degree Program of UAD and GXUN, China.
Dr. Kasiyarno,M.Hum. (Rector of UAD) said in his speech, “The number of international student in UAD constantly raises. It proves that curriculum that has been used in UAD fixs the current development status”.
The closing ceremony was tittled “ Roro Jonggrang”. Roro Jonggrang is a local legend, it tells the story of Prambanan Temple. There were many traditional performances were shown in this event, such as Chinese songs and dances performance by Chinese students, Thailand traditional dance by Thailand students, Timor Leste’s song by Timor Leste student, and many others. Further, Mo Weiran (Chinese student) sang Indonesian son entitled “Teima Kasih Cinta”.
As the main performance, Darmasiswa students and some international students performed “Roro Jonggrang Musical Drama”.
“This performance shows their Indonesian language ability after studying in UAD for one year, when they had just arrived some of them passively spoke Indonesian and some others spoke in unclear pronunciation. However, after one year, they show their improvement. They do not only speak Indonesian clearly but also, could give and responds Indonesian jokes” Said Dinar Setiawan, S.Pd. (Drama couch).
He added, “We are proud of you all, wish the best future ahead”.
Moreover, Tari Enggang from East of Kalimantan was performanced by Darmasiswa students. They professionally gave their best performance. It captivated the audiences.
Chen Xinjie (One of graduated students of Joint Degree Program) delivered speech about her experiences during her study in Indonesia especially UAD.
In the last of the ceremony, representative students were given medal by Ida Puspita,M.A.Res. and some lecturers.
Ida Puspita ssaid, “Closing ceremony is yearly event conducted by UAD under International Office. It is one of the events to show the students’ language and culture ability after studying in UAD. Further, this event gives lasting impression to the students. We wish,after coming back to their country they can introduce Indonesian through culture”.