Faculty of Economic and Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication of UAD Sign Curriculum of Joint Degree Program with GXUN, China

Yang Junchu (A Representative Lecturer from GuangXi University for Nationalities/GXUN) meets Drs. Umarino.M.Hum (Dean of Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan) and Dra. Ali Yuliati, M.Hum (Head of Indonesian Literature Study Program)
Thursday, 21 August 2015. Yang Junchu (A Representative Lecturer from GuangXi University for Nationalities/GXUN) visited two campuses of UAD. She met Drs. Umarino.M.Hum (Dean of Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan), Ulaya Ahdiani, S.S.M.Hum. (Vice Dean of Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication), Dra. Ali Yuliati, M.Hum (Head of Indonesian Literature Study Program), and lecturers of Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication. They discussed and signed curriculum of Joint Degree (2+2 Program) at Indonesian Literature Study Program.
After that, Yang Junchu met Dra. Salamatun Asakdiyah, M.Si. (Dean of Faculty of Economics), Dini Yuniarti, S.E., M.Si. (Head of Economics Development Program), Rai Rake Setiawan, S.E., G.D.Bus., M.S.A. (Coordinator of International Program at Economics Faculty) and Lecturers of Economics Faculty. In this chance, they also discussed and signed Joint Degree’s Curriculum.
“Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and GXUN are family. When Representatives from UAD visit GXUN or Vice-Versa, they always feel like at home” Said Rai Rake Setiawan, S.E., G.D.Bus., M.S.A.
Moreover, Yang Junchu added “Yogyakarta, especially UAD is my home”.