Yashnar Sagdullayev (Uzbekistan) –on the left — with Mate Molnar (Hungaria) — on the right–
When our plane landed on the airport of Jakarta the first that I felt was about the weather because the weather was so hot and I couldn’t get used to it. First days I was really homesick and all the time at ARYADUTA hotel where we have stayed for two days I was trying to find wifi or Internet connection to talk to my family. The opening ceremony was great and astonishing.I most like the speech of one old woman who told us lots of things about the culture and people of Indonesia. It was impressing.
After two days staying in Jakarta our coordinators took us to Yogyakarta where we will be studying for one year in UAD. That time in Jakarta I have met lots of friends and I really regret losing them because I haven’t kept in touch with them anymore. However, I still hope to meet them againg in closing ceremony.In Yogyakarta the first place we have arrived was the CITRA hotel where I couldn’t sleep well. As my friends Tejas and Bony told me I was speaking while I was sleeping.
Next day we were looking for the place to stay, but we couldn’t find. I was wondering how come there weren’t any appropriate places to live but my surprise didn’t last long when I have that Yogyakarta is the city of students. After we have settled down in the most uncomfortable place I have ever seen, I started to look for the place to stay by myself and all the places have already been engaged by students. I have found one but in that house lived only girls so as one of the customs of Indonesia boys aren’t allowed to live with girls. But I see their point of view because I’m Muslim as I know the rules of religion. Thanks God and also to Peter who has found the nice place to live he invited us to live together so now I’m here. Still it’s far from university I never regret living here with my friends who have been kind and nice to me. I can say that I have undergone lots of things and I have experienced many things. First my language skills were bad. I couldn’t speak a word in Indonesian, so I have decided to learn the language first and I have studied hard and diligent. I was trying to speak despite my failures.
Now I’m happy to be able to speak Indonesian but in the other hand I’m not learning it anymore because I’m speaking but still I should improve and develop my language skill. And now I understood one thing: in practicing you will learn more rather than in theory. And I want to thank my teachers and I’m really grateful to them. If they weren’t, I wouldn’t have learnt it well.I appreciate what you have done for me and have been beneficent to me.Before my self-concept was really low. After I have met you I started to believe in myself and now I’m self-confident.on 15 of September we went to the beach SIUNG with all international students at our university. The aim of this trip was the friendship evening we have stayed on the beach for one night and slept in the tents. But the tent was too crowded so I couldn’t sleep and whole night we spent talking with our teachers. I have had great time since now. I can admit that there were ups and downs but I never mind because I always had the friend beside me. We were sharing the life experience.
Besides language classes I have attended the economy classes. In the beginning it was difficult cause I didn’t know some economy terms in Indonesian language. Also Peter and me were regularly going for jogging to UGM. I have been attending football with the team of university. I can that they play very well. I have lost three pairs of my shoes here. But I never regret for something that you can buy for money. The time is going fast two of my friends who I have been studying and living together with till now are going back to their country, because their study program is for six months. I want them to stay longer but I hope that we can keep in touch. I have been looking for part-time job but it was unsuccessful.
Yogyakarta is the historical place and there are lots of places to visit. For instance, the Temple of Pramabanan, Borobudur and Kraton. In November we have had KKN Program in which we have stayed in village for three weeks and have taught children at school. I still can hear in my ears shouting screaming children.They were really noisy and naughty. It wasn’t easy to put up with them. But somehow I managed to do that. Teaching isn’t easy stuff you should have special skills and be qualified. The owners of house where we lived were really nice and kind to us. They have shown real generosity and humanity. My problem was alwas their problem. When I was sick, they took care of me. I will never forget those people.There we regularly went for swimming with my friends. At school I tried to behave decently as much as I can because children will always look up to you. I still keep in touch with some of children on Facebook.
After KKN Program we started preparation for International day of university. Our task was each should cook his traditional food. I cannot cook at all but I have asked one Uzbek girl who studies in Jogja as well she gave me hand of help in a necessary time. Fortunately on that day everyone liked my food. I have won the futsal competition with my team. We have prepared traditional dance with my friends.That was also awesome. By the way I forgot to tell you about our trip to Mountain Merapi. I have achieved that I mean I could climb it up. That was terrifying and scary for me.Because in the middle of the way I thought I was going to die. Despite all tirings and difficulties on the way I managed to do that.Except that, for the first time in my life I have tried rafting. I have accompanied my teachers and I’m grateful them once more to give me a chance to try rafting with them. That was great fun.

Yashnar (number 4 from left) with his futsal team
I’d like to add one more detail about food that now I can eat a little bit more spicy food. Because in the beginning I wasn’t accustomed to it. Man can survive in any conditions if he will try I have found the such a philosophy for myself. I started to eat the rice as a side-dish .At home I never use the rice as a side dish. I mostly used to eat bread.For five months I have the greatest time ever in my life.I’m happy to meet you all, to know you all. I will still be studying till august, so I won’t say goodbye. I have never felt lone here.I’m not missing my family anymore. It doesn’t mean that I don’t love them, it means that I have met here my family of Indonesia and family of friends,so you aren’t giving me the chance or reason to miss them.