All Participants and Committee of The 4th International Day 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013, Office of International Affairs UAD cooperated with Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication held The 4th UAD International Day 2013 at Green Hall of Campus 5 UAD, Ki Ageng Pemanahan Street No. 9, Sorosuta, Yogyakarta. In this event, there were many programs included. They are International Culinary Festival, Cooking Fried Rice Competition, Asing Star, Final Story Telling Competition, and King and Queen of International Students UAD.
In the International Culinary Festival, there were 12 booths of 10 countries; China, Thailand, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Hungary, India, Philippines, Japan, Australia, and Indonesia. More than 1000 food servings were served on the booths and 900 food coupons provided by the committee were given out to the guests and visitors. Outstandingly, the food just run out in 20 minutes. All international students worked very hard for preparing the food and they were very happy because the guests and visitors liked the food so much.
The Cooking Fried Rice Competition was also amazing. The participants, who were international students, showed their capability in cooking Indonesian fried rice and all visitors enthusiastically supported the participants. The big surprise came from Asing Star Competition. The international students showed their talents in singing, dancing, martial arts, etc. All Asing Star participants performed very well and got big applause from the judges and visitors. Besides, Final Round of Story Telling Competition was also held. The 5 finalists performed their best, better than their performances in the preliminary round. During the programs, the international students and committee also voted for King and Queen of International Students.
At the end of the event, all winners were announced and got Medals and Prizes. All programs run very well and all international students were very happy. What an amazing day!

Asing Star Performances

Asing Star Singers

Asing Star Performances

Best Moment

Cooking Fried Rice Competition

The Booths, Participants, and Master of Ceremony

The Culinary Booths

Shamila (Han Renping), The Champion of Story Telling Competition

The Finalists of Story Telling Competition

King and Queen of International Students with the President of International Students Association UAD

The Winners of Story Telling Competition

The Winners of Cooking Fried Rice Competition

The Winners of the Sports Competitions, Culinary Booths, and Asing Star