Children enthusiastically Welcomed the International Students
Saturday, November 10, 2013, UAD officially delivered 7 international students from Darmasiswa program to conduct a community engagement program in villages and schools near Prambanan Temple. The students are divided into two groups. Group 1 consists of Yashnar Sa’dullayev from Uzbekistan, Lilla Tolnai from Hungary, Tejas Yambem from India, and Mitsuyuki Sato from Jepang. Group 1 will conducts activities in SD Muhammadiyah Prambanan such as teaching English, Chinese, Japanese, games, songs, etc. They will also have activities with youth, children, and adults in Bokoharjo village, Prambanan, Sleman, such as cooking, teaching, helping the social activities, etc. Group 2 consists of Mate Molnar from Hungary, Han Renping from China, and Rajkumar Dimbajit from India. Group 2 will teach in SD IT Baiturrahman, and also have activities in Tlogo village, Klaten. They will teach foreign languages, games, cooking, handicraft, etc., to the society.
The program will be conducted for three weeks, from November 9 to 30. During the time, the international students stay with local people’s house. The owners of the house are their parents for them during the program. Besides, one lecturer, Surono, M.Hum., will act as a guiding lecturer for the two groups. All students at school and society at villages warmly welcomed the international students. They were all happy and can’t wait for the activities with the international students of UAD.

The Homestay

The Homestay

The School Principal with Head of International Office

SD Muhammadiyah Prambanan

At School

The First Group Homestay

At the Second Homestay