Luo Mi, A Chinese Student of UAD who Becomes a Volunteer in Rumah Singgah Anak Mandiri
/in Darmasiswa, Event, Feature /by adminHer Chinese name is Luo Mi, but her Indonesian friends usually call her Sherly. Coming from Guilin, a very beautiful city in China, Sherly now is a student of Indonesian letters, Faculty of Language, Culture and Communication University of Ahmad Dahlan. In China, she studies at Faculty of Foreign Language Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, Guangxi.
Living in Indonesia is a new experience for this beautiful and tall girl. It’s been about 6 weeks for her living in Jogja. She lives in a boarding house at Gambiranom street no. 13 with other Chinese friends and many Indonesian students. Was born on August 10, 1993, Sherly is also talented in Chinese Art and Culture. In China, She often practices and performs Beijing Opera with her friends. In UAD, Sherly tries to join TV UAD and be a TV presenter. Jiayou Sherly!!!
Only in couple of weeks in Jogja, Sherly has already had many Indonesian friends and joined many activities. Every Thursday afternoon, she goes to Rumah Singgah Anak Mandiri at Perintis Kemerdekaan street no. 33 B, Umbulharjo. She becomes a volunteer, teaches children and street children there, plays and draws pictures with them. All children likes her so much. What a wonderful girl!
Thai Students of UAD Prepare a Special Fast Break together with OIA staff
/in Event, News /by adminMonday night, October 14, 2013, Thai students of UAD prepared a special ‘Arafah fast break together with OIA staff. They cooked Thai foods such as Thai green tea, soup, fish, beef, sauce, etc. The fast break was held in one of Thai students’ rented house in Warungboto, Yogyakarta. Coming to the fast break, head of international office, Ida Puspita, M.A.Res., OIA staff, Dessy Kamila Sari and Dwi Titi Maesaroh, a BIPA teacher, Ruslinah and an Uzbekistan friend, Yashnar Sa’dullayev, really enjoyed all the foods.
For some Thai students, this is the first time to celebrate Idul Adha in Indonesia, a far away from their family. They miss home but they thank Allah because they find new family in UAD.
Learning How to Play Angklung, A Music Class of Darmasiswa UAD
/in Event, International Office Activities, News /by adminEvery Wednesday, Darmasiswa students of UAD have a music class. It’s been about one month they learn how to play angklung at the music class with their lecturer, Wawan Kurniawan. Now, Darmasiswa students of UAD, coming from Hungary, Japan, India, China and Uzbekistan, can play a simple song together. They are really excited to play angklung because the sound produced by angklung is really beautiful and natural. How amazing it is!
Three Mindanao Students of Education Management Graduate Program of UAD Attend the Annual Gathering of Internationl Students of Unggulan Scholarship Program
/in Event, News /by adminSunday to Monday, October 6-7, 2013, three Mindanao students studying at Education Management Graduate Program of UAD attended the annual gathering of of international students of Unggulan Scholarship Program at Gumilang Regency Hotel, Bandung. The event was held by International Affairs Bureau Ministry of Education and Culture and hosted by UNIKOM Bandung. The participants were about 60 international students coming from USA, China, Japan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mindanao, and other countries who study at graduate programs in Indonesian Universities with Unggulan Scholarship from Indonesian government.
Three students of UAD attending the event were Saada Omar, Jehani May Ader Macasawang, and Nurcaisa Gohya Mudsol. They were very excited attending the event and actively participated in discussion and asking questions. Dessy Kamila Sari, S.S. their guide lecturer, said that the matters delivered by the speakers during the event are really beneficial for international students in Indonesia, such as Indonesian culture, Intercultural Relation, and sharing about their scholarship and study. At the end of the event, the students were really happy to visit some tourism objects in Bandung and get an angklung (traditional musical instrument) as a souvenir.
Let’s Dance Saman with Darmasiswa Students of UAD
/in Event, International Office Activities, News /by adminEvery Friday, Darmasiswa students of UAD have a dancing class with Desilia Kusmitantia Wardani, S.Pd., their lecturer. Yesterday, they practiced Saman Dance from Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. After mastering Saman dance, they will also learn Javanese dance. The Darmasiswa students as foreigners are really excited to learn Indonesian traditional dance because it’s a new experience for them. Although before the class they had just arrived from traveling to Merapi mountain, they still practiced seriously.
Beside the dancing class, they also have a cooking class every Tuesday, Music, Drama, Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing on other days.
A Story from Cham: Physics Education Students of UAD Finish International KKN Program in Cambodia
/in Event, Feature, News /by adminTuesday night, October 1st, 2013, 8 students of Physics Education Study Program UAD with Vice Rector III, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T. and a lecturer, Eko Nursulistiyo, M.Pd. arrived at UAD. Starting from August 20 to September 30, Bayu Slamet Riyadi, Iqbal Saputra, Suko Fajar, Mentari Cahya Nisa, Fajar Fitriani, Yunita Ayu B.P., Risna Seftiani, and Haryo Zaryando conducted an International Community Engagement Program in Cham village, Svay Khleang, Cambodia.
6 weeks lived there, Haryo and friends did a lot of programs such as teaching Physics, Bahasa Indonesia, Islamic value, Indonesian culture to students of SERPAMA, Crochmar Highschool and other Cambodians, teaching how to make a rocket and telescope, holding sports competitions, etc. A lot of priceless experiences they got from the programs. There, they saw how the students are really enthusiastic and excited to study everything. Students and people there respect teachers highly. All people are also greatly discipline and friendly. They hold Islamic values tightly. Every where, they greet each other and every time they get a lesson or gift, even it’s only a small and simple thing, they always say “TERIMA KASIH”. How moved and touched the teacher is!
At Cham village, at night, people prefer staying at home. They dislike going out or doing activities at night, after Isya prayer no lamp is still on, so the atmosphere is really quiet. Haryo and friends could listen to the sounds of nature, the wind, the cricket, dogs even wolves. They looked at the clear sky and found uncountable number of stars. What a beautiful village! They also met very good friends such as Ustadz Safir Ibrahim adn Cikgu Rosada who always helped them to communicate with people who couldn’t speak English or Melayu. They ate special food in Cambodia named Numencok, a kind of soup, with curry soup and vegetables. They thank Mr. Imran, the owner of the place they everyday ate in.
One week before leaving Cham village, they experienced flooding there. A little bit afraid because it was their first experience. They had to use a raft to go anywhere. However, alhamdulillah everything run well. At the end of bahasa Indonesia class, the students performed a drama in bahasa Indonesia themed education. Everybody cried when they had to leave Cham village. Yes, they had to leave the new family they found in Cambodia, but they have learned a lot of things there and they promised to be a better person. Experiences there motivate them to continue their study abroad. Hope to come true, aamiin.
Mus-ab Buenae, A Nasyeed Vocalist from Thailand
/in Darmasiswa, Event, Feature, News /by adminHis name is Mus-ab Buenae, a 7th semester of Psychology student UAD. He was born in Pattani, May 5, 1992 and has two sisters and one brother. His parents are Islamic preachers who actively involve in Muhammadiyah Movement in South Thailand. His family is fanatic and loyal to Muhammadiyah, so the children have to study at Muhammadiyah school and university. Mus-ab himself feels very happy having a chance to study at University of Ahmad Dahlan because of the professionalism of lecturers and the Islamic atmosphere at UAD. In giving lecture, lecturers do not only use western theory but also Islamic one.
At UAD, Mus-ab often helps office of international affairs in many activities such as being a guide for new Thai students, being an interpreter of UAD booth during Education Fair in Thailand, etc. As a foreign student, Mus-ab states that he learns a lot of things from people in Jogja. People in Jogja are really friendly, patient and down to earth. In addition, muslim society in Jogja are really tolerant and respect each other.
Three years studying in Indonesia, Mus-ab is now trusted to be a member of Organization Adviser Board of IPMITI (Ikatan Persaudaraan Mahasiswa Islam Thailand Indonesia – Indonesian Thai Muslim Students Association). Now, there are about 2000 Thai students study in Indonesia and Mus-ab is responsible for 300 of them. Beside that, Mus-ab, who likes Pecel Lele and Nasi Kucing, is also member of nasyeed Oriza Sativa, a nasyeed group of alumni and students of Psychology UAD. Their nasyeed group is sometimes invited to perform in many events. Mus-ab interest on nasyeed has started since he was a teenager in Thailand. In Thailand he also has a nasyeed group named Raiyana. For him, nasyeed is more than an entertainment but also a media for spreading Islam and Silaturahim.
Farewell Meeting for Prof. Kaptein
/in Event, News /by adminAfter one month becoming a guest lecturer at UAD especially in Faculty of Psychology and Pharmacy, today, September 1, 2013, Prof. Dr. Adrian A. Kaptein got two special farewell meetings from UAD. The meetings were held in Campus 1 and Campus 3. During one month, Prof. Kaptein, from Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), Leiden, Netherlands, is always happy to share his knowledge and experience. He is always there to answer the questions from students’ or other lecturers. Thank you very much Prof. Kaptein. Hope to see you again very soon.
The cooperation between UAD and LUMC will not end till this farewell. Next, UAD and LUMC will collaborate in other programs. InsyaAllah.
UAD Signed an MoU with UnisZa Malaysia
/in Event, News /by adminSaturday, September 28, 2013, Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. and Vice Chancellor of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Trengganu Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Yahaya bin Ibrahim, signed an MoU in the Main Meeting Room of Campus I UAD. The two universities agree to cooperate in joint research, participation in international seminar and academic meeting, double degree for undergraduate and graduate program, teachers and students exchange, students internship, publication of book, journal, etc.
Coming together with Vice Chancellor of UnisZa, Dr. Ahmad Azrin bin Adnan, director of Vice Chancellor office, acted as witnesses of the MoU signing with Vice Rector IV of UAD, Prof. Sarbiran, M.Ed., Ph.D. Also attending the MoU signing, Director of Corporate, Industry and International Communication Centre of UnisZa, Prof. Lua Pei Lin, presented the profile of UnisZa. From UAD, head of International Office and Deans of faculties also attended the meeting.
Office of International Affairs
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