UAD booth at Indonesian Higher Education Expo (IHEE) in Songkhla looked so crowded by the visitors who came to Prince of Songkhla University (PSU) Convention Center where Prince of Songkla University Open Week: PSU Education Fair held in Hatyai, Thailand. UAD became one of delegations from Indonesia for this expo, held from August 13th to 17th, 2013. The enthusiasm of the visitors to UAD booth can be seen in the first day of exhibition. There were around 85 students came to UAD booth. Most of them were interested to continue their study in Indonesia, especially at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in Yogyakarta. Yasuli Bindulem, the alumnus of UAD who becomes madrasah teacher in Thailand said that high school students in Thailand have a great interest to continue their study abroad, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, he suggests his students to continue their study at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD).
The success of UAD at this expo could not be separated from the alumni and students of UAD who come from Thailand, such as Yasuli Bindulem, MusAb Buenae, and Abdullah Umacheeta who enthusiastically helped UAD to attract visitors to come to our booth. They also became the mouthpiece between UAD and most of visitors who could not speak English.
“I’m proud to introduce UAD to my juniors as the best Muhammadiyah higher education in Yogyakarta to continue their study in Indonesia”, said MusAb Buenae, a 7th semester student of Psychology at UAD.
Besides, at that expo UAD was also helped by its alumni who become teacher at some Muslim schools in Songkhla, such as Anis Asriati, S.S., Fitri Nuryani, S.S, Dwi Puji Lestari, S.Pd., Islakhul Fatayati, S.Pd., Fitri Nurul Hikayat, S.Pd, Islahudin, S.Pd, and Asma Kurniam S.Pd.
Beside participating in this expo, UAD represented by Ida Puspita, M.A as the head of International office of UAD and her staff, Intan Rawit Sapanti, S.Pd. visited Hatyai University and PSU to explore the possibility to cooperate with them. Not so long time ago, some delegations of PSU visited UAD to sign an MoU as the collaboration has been created between UAD and PSU. Then, PSU offered UAD a research collaboration in food processing and business management through collaborative activities. And with Hatyai University, those collaborative activities will be in the field of Business Management.
During the activities in Songkhla, UAD and other delegations of IHEE from Indonesia also visited Consulate General of Indonesia in Songkhla, Thailand. They were welcomed warmly by the representative of Consulate General and the staffs. At that moment, UAD represented by Ida Puspita, M.A expressed the gratitude to Consulate General of Indonesia in Songkhla for the opportunities given to UAD so that UAD could deliver its alumni to be the teachers of English and Arabic at some Muslim schools in Songkhla as the realization of Thai government’s commitment to the program of ASEAN community 2015. (E/I)