UAD through some Study Programs and units officially give course on entrepreneurship to the students. Besides, UAD give chances to students to practically use their knowledge by conducting a yearly/monthly bazaar based on the interest of the students. Additionally, UAD has a large number and kinds of business fields. Some of UAD’s business units are pharmacies, hospital, bank, gas station, etc. Those reasons attract European Union attention, in 2017 European Union under Erasmus Plus officially granted €80.508 to build a business center in UAD to enhance Entrepreneur among UAD students and staff.
After UAD is awarded, some staffs and faculty members have been given arrange number of training in Jakarta Indonesia, and they are also scheduled to participate in the same training in Europe in the middle of 2018. €80.508 grant will be distributed in numerous of steps during 3.5 years.
The business center of UAD will be built in hall campus 2, in this place students, alumni, staff and faculty members can share information about business development. It is also possible for them to get information about success-ed business story from alumni or other business story from the members of Granted universities of Erasmus Plus from Indonesia or other countries. There are six Indonesian universities (President University, Universitas Padjadjaran, Semerang State University, STIE Malengkucecwara, and Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta) and Four European universities (University of Gloucestershire UK, Dublin Institute of Technology Ireland,Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes Germany and University of Innsbruck) are are awarded.
As the first step, students, alumni, staff, head of some units and faculty members were asked to fill HEI Assessment Tool to rate their interest on business.