UAD Sends More Than 200 Students Overseas Under Various Programs in 2019-2020 Academic Year
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) sends more than 200 students abroad in the 2019-2020 academic year under various programs. The students will be sent to various countries in Asia and Europe, including Thailand (58 students), Philipines (8 students), Brunei Darussalam (2 students), South Korea (6 students), Taiwan (17 students), China (10 students) Students), Japan (7 students), Germany (3 students), the Netherlands (2 students), and Uni Emirate Arab (4 students).
In January 2020, UAD sends 31 students under 5 different programs. First, Credit Transfer Programs the realization of MoU between UAD and Universitas Utara Malaysia (UUM). Devi Anggrayni and Siti Natasya, from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Development Economics study programs, and also 5 students from the Faculty of Law (FH), they are Ridhayana Andi Baso, Yogita Halim, Daffa Nugroho Ramadhan, Muhammad Rizal Sirojudin, dan Fadhel Muhammad Ikhwansyah, they will study in Malaysia for 6 months or one semester, from February to August 2020. UAD will also send two students to Taiwan. Ina Maryani and Dinar Nurul Arofah from the Faculty of Public Health. They will undergo a credit transfer program for one semester at Hungkuang University (HKU), Taiwan. This program is also a realization of the collaboration between UAD and HKU.
UAD will also send 11 students to participate in the “Public Health Short Program” program at Hungkuang University, which will be held on February 2-10, 2020. The 11 students are Ahmad Dzaki Burhani, Aulia Putri Nugraheni, Cindi Altika, Dyah Kumalasari Supriyanto, Fitri Aulia, Rina Tri Faizani, Rismala Egitasari, Syania Rizki Amalia, Tasya Danela Lutfiah, Taula Aisy Gusfara and Widya Ariani.
At the same time, UAD will also send 8 delegations to the “The 2nd Global Youth Leaders Exchange Program GOGO Gangwon in Gangwon Province, South Korea, on 8-11 February 2020. 8 The students are Wasiah Darojatun (Management), Eko Muhammad Rilo Pembudi (Informatics Engineering), Rifqi Luthfi Naldi (Informatics Engineering), Mochammad Adhis Raihan (Food Service Business), Sakti Oktasari (Law), Vina Damayanti (Law), Desy Nurgita Irawati (Law), and Izza Qorina (Medical)
In addition to the four programs above, UAD will also send 3 Indonesian Literature students to Busan University of Foreign Language (BUFS), South Korea. The three students are Jihan Syarif, Alifia Nur Laila, and Rindu Putri Utami. The three students will study for one semester at BUFS under the “ASIAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) program. AIMS is a scholarship program from the Ministry of Education and Culture for students taking one semester credit at universities in Asia. AIMS is a scholarship that can only be accessed by universities in a small consortium and UAD has received AIMS scholarships since 2010.
According to the head of Office of International Affairs, Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. “Student exchange programs abroad have positive impacts on students and university, in addition to providing international experience to students, the program is also one of UAD’s efforts to reach World Class University.” [i]