Four students of UAD study in UMP under Credit Transfer Program
Located at Ruang Dekanat FTI Kampus 3 UAD, Monday, 5th September 2016, Prof. Sarbiran, Ph.D. (Vice Rector IV) officially opened the technical meeting of four students of UAD who are going to study in Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) under Credit Transfer System Program for one semester from September 2016 to January 2017. The students are Rizky Gusti Pratiwi, Latifah Nurul Huda, Hildan Syahidatina Nusa’bah dan Laras Ekananda Vidya Ratri. All of them are students of Chemical Engineering Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology.
Further, this event was attended by Endah Sulistiawati, S.T., M.T. (Vice Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology), Dr. Erna Astuti, S.T., M.T. ( The Head of of Chemical Engineering Program), Maryudi, ST.MT., Zahrul Mufrodi, ST.MY., Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office), dan staff of International Office.
In the same time, UMP sends five students to study under the same program in UAD. They are Tham Yie Wern, Laylatun Qadrina Binti Amrizal, Ho Wee Kei, Lim Yan Ying, and Wan Muhammad Nazrin Effendi. They are going to study at Electrical Engineering Program of UAD from September 2016 to January 2017.
UAD and UMP have a long history of cooperation, UMP participated in Community Service Program conducted by UAD in Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta, both parties did lecturers exchange program, joint seminar etc. However, Credit Tranfer System Program is conducted for the first time and it is believed to lead to other cooperations.
Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. said “Although this program is conducted for the first time, we are grateful indeed that this program is directly run in two-ways cooperation. It means in the same time, both parties send their students to study in the partners. Further, we hope that this program, conducted by Chemical Engineering Program to encourage other department programs to conduct the same activities. Next year, UAD for the first time is scheduled to send students to conduct Community Service Program in Malaysia and UMP will be one of the hosts.”