It’s all about Togetherness
June 6, 2015, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan held a closing ceremony of International students program 2014/2015. Held in auditorium campus I UAD, this agenda was attended by vice rector III UAD, deans of faculties, heads of study program, head of International office, international students, and also some representative of local students. This year closing ceremony themed “Bringing Indonesian Fairy Tale Alive” performed “ANDE-ANDE LUMUT” the drama which is a famous Indonesian fairy tale.
Ida Puspita, M.A.Res., head of international office, reported that for the academic year of 2014/2015 there are 207 international students enrolls at UAD. They come from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Ukraine, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Egypt, and Timor Leste and study at UAD in various programs such as Darmasiswa scholarship, AIMS (ASEAN International Mobility Students), joint degree 2+2, credit transfer system 3+1, BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers), Muhammadiyah scholarship, Unggulan Scholarship for Mindanao, and regular program.
Most of International students UAD that is more than 140 students will finish their program this year and go home country. However, so far there are more than 80 international students registered for the new academic year 2015/2016.
Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., vice rector III UAD, that officially opened the closing ceremony hoped that all international students go home country with a bunch of great experience to share with family, relatives and friends. Chen Yumei (Lestari), an international student from China, represented all her friends expressed her gratitude to UAD that has given the international students a wonderful experience as long as they study in Indonesia. During the program, international students also performed various cultural performance such as national and regional songs, traditional dance, drama, traditional musical instrument, and others.

Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T.

Thailand Students

Piring Dance

Ande-Ande Lumut and Klenting Kuning

Angklung Performance

Photo session