Understanding Indonesia through Literature
Friday, March 21, 2014, English Letters Department, Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication (FLCC), held a general lecture on “Understanding Indonesia through Literature”. The keynote speaker was Assoc./Prof. Pamela Allen, M.A., Ph.D., Assoc. Dean of Faculty of Arts, University of Tasmania, Australia, and the moderator was Ida Puspita, M.A.Res., head of Office of International Affairs UAD, also a lecturer at English Letters Department. Held at auditorium campus II UAD, this general lecture was attended by more than 300 participants consisting students and lecturers. The students were not only local students but also international students of UAD especially from Thailand and China.
In her speech, Assoc./Prof. Pamela Allen presented her experience and understanding in reading Indonesian literary works since the colonialism era, Soekarno era, till Soeharto era. This guest lecture became very interesting because the participants, who were Indonesians, got lecture about Indonesian literature not from an Indonesian, but from a foreigner. However, during the question and answer session, the participants showed their critical thinking on the presentation presented by the speaker. It showed how UAD students especially the FLCC enjoyed the lecture. Beside the guest lecture, Assoc./Prof. Pamela Allen will also give a remarks at the commencement ceremony of undergraduate and graduate of UAD on March 22, 2014.

The Dean of FLCC welcomes Pamela

The Head of English Letters Department, Tri Rina Budiwati, M.Hum., opens the guest lecture

A Participant is asking a question

Token of Gratitude for Assoc./Prof. Pamela Allen

Assoc./Prof. Pamela Allen with Lecturers of FLCC