Thursday-Friday, 5-8 November, 2013, some delegations of UAD visited Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand, to have two main agenda. The first agenda was to discuss on further collaboration between UAD and PSU, and the second was to have a joint seminar on Pharmaceutical Sciences. The delegations of UAD consisted of the vice director of Graduate Program UAD, Dr. Ir. Dwi Sulisworo, M.T., head of international office UAD, Ida Puspita, M.A.,Res., the dean of Pharmacy Faculty UAD, Dr. Dyah A.P., S.Si, M.Si., Apt., some lecturers, Dra. Ii Wahyuningsih, M.Si., Apt. Dr. Lela Hayu Nurani, M.Si. Apt., Drh. Sapto Yuliani, M.P., Dra. Nanik Sulistyani, M.Si., Apt., Nina Salamah, M.Sc., Apt., Novi Febrianti, M.Si., Nani Aprilia, M.Pd., Dr. Dwi Suhartanti, M.Si., head of Woman Association UAD, Tri Wahyuni Sukesi, S.Si., MPH., and some students, Rizky Restu Romadhona, Aminatun Wakhiday, Muharom Eko Prasetyo, and Fajar Satria Yudha Mahendra.
Some time ago, dean of Pharmacy Faculty UAD has signed an MoU with dean of Pharmaceutical Sciences PSU and after the meeting on November 7, 2013, the two faculties agreed to bring the MoU to the university level between rector of UAD and rector of PSU. This MoU is important as a bridge for other faculties both in UAD and PSU to also have a chance to make collaboration. On the Joint Seminar held in Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, PSU, there were 19 presenters presented their research papers. The 12 of them were lecturers and students of UAD and the 7 were from PSU.

at PSU Library

Welcoming Meeting and Discussion

A Discussion on Further Collaboration

Participants of the Joint Seminar

A Presentation from A Lecturer of UAD

A Presentation from A student of UAD