Wednesday, October 23, 2013, three delegations of Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute visited University of Ahmad Dahlan. They are Ms. Kyoko Mori, Vice Principal of SNG, Ms. Ryoko Matsuno – one of SNG managers, and Mr. Ryuji Canel Ezoe – Admission officer. Warmly welcomed by rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., the three delegations came to seek the possibility of establishing Japanese language education at University of Ahmad Dahlan. They enthusiastically demonstrated the Ezoe method, a method to teach Japanese originally created by the founding father of SNG. This patented method will be used to teach Japanese at UAD when the Japanese Language Education at UAD has been established.
Coming to the meeting with SNG delegations, rector of UAD, vice rector IV, Prof. Dr. Sarbiran, Ph.D., director of OIA, Ida Puspita, M.A.Res., director of Language Center, Wajiran, S.S., M.A., vice dean of faculty of literature, culture and communication (FLCC), Ulaya Ahdiani S.S M.Hum., well responded SNG plan to establish a Japanese Language Education at UAD. Ms. Ulaya Ahdiani explained the possibility of making Japanese as a required subject in FLCC. Mr. Wajiran also opened a chance to establish a Japanese Course at Language Center of UAD. For the next steps, SNG and UAD will make an MoU to realize those plans. Besides, SNG also opens another chance for UAD student or staff to study Japanese at SNG with scholarship from SNG, like Nurun Isnaeni, S.Pd., a staff of OIA UAD who currently studies Japanese at SNG.

Ezoe Method and Text Book

Meeting with SNG

Souvenir from SNG