Friday, 23rd August 2013, 11 students of Biology Education Study Program UAD officially left UAD to conduct an International Community Development Program (KKN) at Lab School Nueva Caceres University, Naga City, Philippines. They are Persita Pupung Hariadi, Aprelia Pangestika, Angga Dwi Prasetyo, Herdik Hermawan, Winda Purnama Sari, Yulisna Hawarya, Leny Aprilina Sari, Utami Khoerunnisa, Ana Dian Rahayu, Parni Astuti, Yuningsih.
Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. delivered the 11 students in ruang sidang rektorat and gave some words to them. Mr. Kasiyarno said that this KKN program is one of UAD’s contribution to the international community especially people in Philippines.
This program will be conducted for one month with various interesting programs. Since they are Biology Education students, they will conduct programs related to their competence such as introducing people how to make Tempeh (Indonesian food), teaching Biology to students at school with cross word, contextual teaching and learning, jigsaw, etc.. Furthermore, on religion or Islamic program, they will introduce and teach Islamic value especially kemuhammadiyahan, how to pray, wudhu and memorizing daily dua, etc.. For art and sport programs, they will also introduce Indonesian traditional game and sport such as engkling, dakon, cublak-cublak suweng, jamuran, etc. to people in Philiphines.
At Nueva Caceres University they will hold a guest lecture with two speakers. The first speaker, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., a lecturer of Information Engineering and Vice Rector III of UAD, will present “Pattern Recognition System and Its Application. Meanwhile, the second speaker, Irfan Yunianto, M. Sc. will present “Implementation of Lesson Study to Solve Student’s Learning Difficulties in Class”.
All 11 students joining this International KKN Program are very excited and can’t wait for the wonderful experience in Philippines. The Indonesian Consulate in Philippines also really support this program and hope that this program will contribute for better relationship between Indonesia and Philippines. Ida Puspita, M.A. as the head of international office of UAD expects that the students could be good representatives of UAD and Indonesia.