UAD Conducted a Welcoming and Introduction to Campus Life Ceremony for International Students

International Students of UAD
Since the international border opened in 2022, international students gradually come to attend offline classes. This semester 56 international students from varied countries and programs came. It has been numerous although the Covid has just ended.

International Students of UAD
Six Darmasiswa students are from Egypt, Sudan, and China. One Chinese student is registered to study the Indonesian Language for Foreigners. A Yemeni student studies Industrial Technology Department under the scholarship cooperation of the Yemen Embassy and UAD. Ten students under Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS), four Republic of Korean students from Busan University of Foreign Studies (BUFS) study Indonesian Literature, four Malaysian students from Universiti of Malaya (UM) study Arabic Language and Literature, and two students from Universiti Malaysia Pahang study chemical engineering.
Thirteen students from Capiez State University, Iloilo State University of Fisheries and Technology, and the University of Saint Anthony, the Philippines cooperated with the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education to participate in the Sea-teacher program. Two students from Thailand and Timor Leste are studying under a UAD scholarship. The Thai student studies English Education, and the Timor Leste student studies Vocational Education for Automotive Technology. Five students including two students from Bangladesh, one from Myanmar, one from India, one from Malaysia, and one from Vietnam participated in the short course program. One graduate student from China. Sixteen students from Guangxi University of Foreign Languages (GUFL), one of UAD’s partners in China. Six of them study International Credit Transfer (3+1) and others attend Joint Degree Program.
On 12th September, local students and some international students participated in the Introduction to Campus Life Program (P2K) conducted by the Student and Alumni Bureau (BIMAWA UAD) at the Yogya Expo Center. The international students wore their traditional costumes during this opportunity and met with the lecturers and local students.

International Students of UAD

International Students of UAD

International Students of UAD

International Students of UAD
Located at the Islamic Center, on 14th September, Ahmad Dahlan Global Engagement for the first time after the Pandemic of Covid-19 conducted a Welcoming and Introduction to Campus Life for 56 International Students. This ceremony was officially opened by Ida Puspita, M.A., Res. (Head of International Partnership), and followed by speeches by Ulaya Ahdiani, S.S, M.Hum. (Head of Ahmad Dahlan Global Engagement).

International Students of UAD
Ihsan Joana Sudrajat, S.Tr.Im. (Representative of Immigration Yogyakarta) delivered information on Immigration Procedures in Indonesia. After that, Dr. Mhd. Lailan Arqam, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Head of Education of Islamic Studies Development Institute) introduced Manners and Politeness in Indonesia, especially at UAD as one of the Islamic Universities under the Muhammadiyah Central Board.

International Students of UAD

International Students of UAD

International Students of UAD

International Students of UAD

International Students of UAD

International Students of UAD
After that, Ida Puspita, S.S. M.A.,Res. delivered Cross-Cultural Understanding as international students in Indonesia. Intan Rawit Sapanti, S.Pd., M.A, Head of the Indonesian Literature Department, which has the highest number of international students gave a presentation on Academic Processes. Last but not least, Asrikah Puji Lestari, M.Pd (staff of Academic and Administration Bureau) delivered information on the international students’ admission process.

International Students of UAD