Yogyakarta (10 September 2022), UAD officially conducted a pre-departure and onboarding ceremony for Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) awardees from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) cooperated with The Education Endowment Fund Management (LPDP). IISMA is one of the flagships of the Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program funding Indonesian students to participate in international mobility programs at the world’s well-recognized universities. During this program, the students study for one semester in different study programs, explore different cultures and conduct research.
Rusydi Umar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. (Vice Rector of Academic Affairs), Dwi Santoso, Ph.D. (The Head of Ahmad Dahlan Global Engagement), Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (The Head of International Cooperation), related deans and study programs, and all the IISMA awardees attended this ceremony. Two UAD students were successfully granted the IISMA program to study at two European universities. Annisa Inas Ghaida Widadsari is an English Literature student scheduled to study at the University of Pécs Hungary, and Maulidya Ika is a student of Informatics System scheduled to study at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
The pre-departure ceremony consists of academic training delivered by the representatives of study programs. It was followed by Al Islam and Muhammadiyah delivered by Drs. H. Anhar Ansyory, M.S.I., Ph.D. (Head of Islamic Studies Development Institute), and psychology training delivered by Rudi Yuniawati, M.Psi (Lecturer of Psychology at UAD). In the last session Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. presented the administrative processes and Cross-Cultural Understanding.
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology cooperated with Indonesian Embassy at the proposed universities and the proposed universities conducted the pre-departure ceremony in August. The awardees are scheduled to depart in the last of September 2022. Rusydi Umar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. stated that “Having opportunities to experience studying abroad is gold. Studying abroad broadens the cross-cultural understanding of the students, they can have first-hand experience of living in European countries. During their study, we hope they not only represent Indonesia but also UAD and Muhammadiyah. We are hoping that, the number of UAD students who grand this program consistently increases.
Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. stated that” Our praise to Allah, UAD is still trusted by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to send our outstanding students to participate in IISMA program as one of the most prestigious Independent Learning Independent Campus programs. Due to the triples number of applicants compared to 2021, the competition was much more strict. We are hoping that the number of students who are able to be accepted in this program continuously increases.