Students of UAD Have Completed the AIMS Program at UM
Ismadi and Nurhasanah Usman are the students of UAD from Arabic Language and Letters study program, faculty of Islamic Religion who joined ASEAN International Mobility Scholarship (AIMS) at University of Malaya. This program was conducted during 138 days since September 12th, 2012 till January 27th, 2013. In this program, they studied Arabic for one semester at Faculty of Languages and Linguistics.
During AIMS program, they did not only attend lectures, but also did some activities which can enlarge, support and improve their study and their knowledge. Those activities were seminar of writing, Arabic communication practice, cultural discussions, Arabic language learning seminar, Islamic studies, visiting the exhibition on Faculty of Education UM, and visiting IIUM/UIA. For Nurhasanah and Ismadi the chance to join the program did not only give them knowledge and experience, but also improved their skill and knowledge in Arabic language and Islam. Besides, they could practice their Arabic language with the natives. They hope the program could establish a good and harmonic cooperation between UAD and UM, and between Faculty of Islamic religion of UAD and Faculty of Languages and Linguistics of UM, and also improve the quality of Arabic learning between two countries. (Eci)