April 11, 2015, Official Closing Ceremony of UNC-UAD Exchange Program 30 March-13 April 2015 was held at auditorium campus I UAD. Started on March 30, in this exchange program UNC sent 3 students, Gladys Jane V. Olayon, Eunice B. Nieva, Ma. and Blaise R. Soliven with one lecturer, Assoc. Prof. Butch O. Saulon (Assistant to Vice President of UNC and lecturer at School of Education) to conduct some programs at UAD.
The programs are campuses visit, Teacher Competence Development Workshop, Students Discussion on Comparative on UAD and UNC Educational system with Student’s association, Art Performance Workshop, participating in SYMBION 2015, English Student Debate, mini research, Culinary Workshop, tree planting, cultural and educational tour, etc.
“Thank you for everything specially to the UAD officials and for all the person who exert effort for us UNC delegates, again Terima kasih banyak.” Said Blaise.