Biology Education Students of UAD Finish Their International KKN Program in Philippines
Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 11 students of Biology Education UAD arrived at Campus 3 UAD after leaving Lab School Nueva Caceres University, Naga City, Philippines. They have finished the International Community Development Program for a month from August 24. Persita Pupung Hariadi, Aprelia Pangestika, Angga Dwi Prasetyo, Herdik Hermawan, Winda Purnama Sari, Yulisna Hawarya, Leny Aprilina Sari, Utami Khoerunnisa, Ana Dian Rahayu, Parni Astuti, Yuningsih went home with thousands unforgettable experiences. Meeting and making new friends, living and adapting in a new place, teaching students in another country, doing community service, and getting new knowledge and culture are really worthy for them. Happiness and sadness became one at the time when they had to leave their friends and place they stayed for one month.