Darmasiswa Students Visit Museum Dirgantara, Yogyakarta
On Monday 23rd November 2015 Darmasiswa students visited Museum Dirgantara Yogyakarta. This visit was one of ourdoor activities to fulfill menyimak (listening) and membaca (Reading) class. This year, there are six students have been stuying at UAD under Darmasiswa Scholarship Program (Indonesian Goverment Program). They come from Thailand, Ukraine, China and South of Korea.
On the way to Museum, all of the students diligently read article related to Museum Dirgantara Yogyakarta. After ariving at the museum, they activelly asked quetions while listening the guide’s explanation. The students have high enthusiasm in this outing class. “They can see the military aircraft and try the cockpit room.” said Ruslinah (Reading teacher).
“Moreover, by doing outing class student can interestingly explore more about Indonesia especially Yogyakarta”, she added.