Delegations of Faculty of Languages and Communication Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia, Visit UAD
Monday-Wednesday, October 20-22, 2014, three delegations of Faculty of Languages and Communication (FLC) Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UnisZa), Terengganu, Malaysia, visited Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UAD. There were some agenda during the visit. The first was Public Lecture on Learner Diversity with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Normah Yusof, Deputy Dean of Faculty of Languages and Communication. The second was Workshop on Language Acquisition through Animation Imitation held by Indonesian Language and Literature with En. Saferul Hafes Sha’ari. The third was Workshop on English Camp in Enhancing Students Proficiency held by English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UAD with Puan Akmah Yusof, head of Modern Language and Communication Department. The three agenda were held on Monday, October 20, at campus II UAD.
The next day which is on Tuesday, the two faculties, FKIP UAD and FLC UnisZa, involving Faculty of Education and Islamic Studies UAD conducted a meeting to discuss the further cooperation between UAD and UnisZa especially among the three faculties. The cooperation realizations discussed were English camp, Bilateral Seminar, Internship, Student Exchange, etc. Before the discussion, the delegations of FLC UnisZa had a campus tour to some UAD campuses. Then at the last day, which is on Wednesday, they had a city tour in Yogyakarta.