UAD Sends Seven Students to Participate in AIMS Program
Saturday, 13rd August 2016, located at Ruang Lab. Managements Kampus 1 UAD. Technical meeting conducted for seven students of UAD who get scholarship to study in two different universities in Malaysia under The ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) scholarship program.
They are Anggi Nur Rachmasari, Raka Dani Respati and Indah Puspitawati, students of English Letters who are scheduled to study at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).
Ikhda Rakmatina, M. Auzai, Amafa Agri Sativa and Abdul Rabbi are students of Arabic Language and Literature. They are planned to study in Universiti of Malaya. They are going to study for one semester in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and Universiti of Malaya
This meeting was officially opened by Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office Affairs). After that, Dr. Abdul Fadlil,M.T. (Vice Rector III) officially delivered speech about the history and benefit of AIMS program. Further, Drs. Umarino,M.Hum. (Dean of Faculty of Letters, Culture and Communication), Ulaya Ahdiani S.S M.Hum. (Vice Dean of Faculty of Letters, Culture and Communication) Rika Astari, S.S. M.A. (Vice Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Dirasat Islamiah), Abdul Mukhlis S.Ag. M.Ag. (Head of Arabic Language and Literature Study) and staff of Internastional Office Affairs are invited to share their experiences during conducting AIMS program in Faculty.
Moreover, Sharavina Delani and Semaun Al Usman (two alumnus of AIMS Program last year) were inivited to share their experience during study under AIMS program.
AIMS Program was established in 2009. It was named MIT, it is an abbreviation of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. This scholarship program is provided for university students to do international exchange students in those three countries. In 2015, the name of this program was changed to The ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) scholarship program. At the same time, the country members of AIMS scholaship program was added. Filipina, Vietnam, and Brunei Darussalam are the new members from the ASEAN countries, and Japan and South Korea are new members from East Asia. In 2016, China is planned to join this program.
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan routinely send a number of students to participate in this program. The selection process is conducted in each study program. In Indonesia, only 12 higher educations were selected to be the member of AIMS, three of them are private universities and only two of them from Yogyakarta. Those UAD and UGM. The tight selection process shows that this program is very competitive and require high competency of both academics and skills.
Ida Puspita,M.A.Res. said, “ UAD always fully supports all of the students to get international experience during their study in UAD. One of them is AIMS programs. This program helps the students to bulid their mindset and expand their general knowledge to face ASEAN Economic Era”