Vice Rector III UAD Officially Sends 18 Alumni to Teach in Thailand
Friday, May 24, 2015, Vice Rector III UAD officially sent 18 alumni to teach in Thailand. The 18 alumni, coming from English education, English letters, Arabic letters and Hadith interpretation study program, will teach in some schools which are Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School, Suksasat School, Songserm Wittaya Munniti School, Songsermsasana Vitaya School, Ansor al-Sunnah School Pharkpayoon Foundation, Chariyathamsuksa Soundation School, dan Samakkeethamwitya School.
Ida Puspita, M.A.Res, head of International office UAD said that this time is the third year UAD send its alumni to teach in Thailand. Before leaving for Thailand, Bureau of Alumni and Students Affair UAD provided Thai language course and Soft skill training for Alumni. This training will prepare the alumni to be able to work well in Thailand which is different from Indonesia.