“WARD PHARMACIST” Program of Clinical Pharmacy Postgraduate Program at Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand
Clinical Pharmacy Postgraduate Program UAD sent two students to Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Hatyai, Thailand to start Ward Pharmacist Program. They are Lalu Muhammad Irham and Noverda Ayucecharia who will attend the program for 6 weeks since November 1 at Internal Medicine of Songklanagarind Hospital .
“This Program is a featured program of Clinical Pharmacy Postgraduate Program UAD in collaboration with PSU,” Said Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Dyah Aryani Perwitasari.
Ward Pharmacist Program at PSU is generally the same with in Indonesia which studies Drug Related Problem (DRP), but it is different in system.
“Here, the team work culture is really strong, because in each ward there are two teams consisting of specialist, future doctor, future doctor specialist, pharmacist and students like us, ward pharmacists.” said Lalu Muhammad through email. “The good thing is Medical Record (MR) system and prescription which uses electronic system.”
The Ward Pharmacist program is only one collaboration program of UAD and PSU. There are other collaboration such as international seminar, joint research, etc.