UAD and CAPSU Conducted Faculty Members Exchange
After signing MoU at the beginning of 2020 between Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Capiz State University (CAPSU). It was followed by signing MoA between English Literature and English Education. Realizing this MoA, UAD and CAPSU scheduled a Faculty Members Exchange Program. Eight Lecturers of UAD are scheduled to teach at CAPSU, vice versa eight lecturers of CAPSU are scheduled to teach at UAD.
To officially open this program, UAD and CAPSU on 22nd October 2021 conducted an opening ceremony of Faculty Members Exchange. This ceremony was officially opened by Rusydi Umar, ST., M.T., Ph.D. (Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of UAD), and Dr. Susan O. Dangan (Vice President for Academic Affairs of CAPSU).
Following the opening remarks, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. (Rector of UAD), and Dr. Editha C. Alfon (President of CAPSU) delivered official speeches on ongoing programs and possible cooperation of both universities.
After that, Dr. Ani Susanti (Head of English Education) introduced the lecturers from English Education who will be teaching at CAPSU. They are Dr. Surono, M.Hum. dan Dr. Azwar Abbas, M.Hum. They will teach Semantics. Bambang Widi Pratolo, Ph.D., dan Dr. Ani Susanti will teach Theories and Principles in English Language Teaching.
It was followed by the introduction of the lecturers from English Literature who will teach at CAPSU. Hafiz Kurniawan, M.A. (Secretary of English Literature) introduced Ajar Pradika Ananta Tur, S.S. M.A., dan Lazuar Azmi Zulferdi, S.S. M.Appl.Ling. who will teach Structure of English, and Hana Farida, S.S. M.A. dan Resneri Daulay, S.S. M.A who will teach Literary Criticism.
CAPSU also scheduled eight lecturers to teach at UAD for one semester. Dr. Christy Agnas, Dr. Rossandrew Villaruel, Dr. Nedy Coldovero, and Dr. Leo Andrew Biclar are scheduled to teach English Literature. Dr. Christine Quenga, Dr. Luis Placido Lachicha, Dr. Joey Balatayo, and Dr. Hazel Joaquin are scheduled to teach at English Education.
Besides, Dwi Santoso, Ph.D. (Head of Ahmad Dahlan Global Engagement of UAD), and Dr. Judel V Protacio introduced the international cooperation of their university.
This ceremony also was attended by faculty members and international office staff of both universities.
Dr. Mary Ann B. Martellino, Dr. Rossandrew Villaruel, Ms. Marien A. Laureto, Dr. Hazel Joaquin, Dr. Joey Balatayo, Dr. Luis Placido Lachicha, Dr. Christine Quenga, Dr. Leo Andrew Biclar, Dr. Nedy Coldovero, Dr. Christy Agnas, Dr. Miraluna T. Sabid. from CAPSU attended this ceremony.
Nizam Ahsani, Ph.D. (Dean of Faculty of Literature, Culture, and Communication), Dr. Trikinasih Handayani (Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training ), Drs. Maftukhin, M.Hum. (Head of English Literature ), Dr. Ani Susanti (Head of English Department).
Dr. Muchlas, M.T. stated that “I am personally very glad and thankful to all of the teams from both CAPSU and UAD who have been very successful in activating the MoU which is Faculty Exchange Program for one semester. We also hope that the Faculty Exchange implementation can be successful so that it can inspire the other departments of both UAD and CAPSU to continue with many other joint programs in the future. In the Philippines, our active collaboration is with the University of Philippines Manila, University of Nueva Caceres, University of Saint Anthony, Tarlac Agriculture University, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Saint Mary University, and Banque State University. We are happy that we could expand our network with CAPSU, and hopefully, we can explore the collaboration with CAPSU within these varieties of joint programs. We also hope that when the pandemic is over we can visit each other physically and conduct collaboration via physical mobility programs.”