Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and University of Nueva Caceres Conducted Seminar Titled “UAD-UNC Collaboration : The tradition Continues”
/0 Comments/in Event, News /by adminYogyakarta (June 2021), Physics Education of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) cooperated with University of Nueva Caceres (UNC) conducted an event. This event was conducted to strengthen the long cooperation between UAD and UNC. It was divided into four virtual conferences and conducted every Wednesday for a month.
UAD-UNC Cultural Exchange Program was conducted on 9th of June. It was followed by Education Technology Conferences conducted on 16 June. Then, Research Festival was conducted on 23th of June, and Community Extension program was conducted on 30th of June. The event was attended by around 200 participants including faculty members, head of the departments, lecturers, and students.
Dr. Dody Hartanto, M.Pd (Vice Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education) as the representative of UAD and Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya (The President of UNC) delivered opening speech. In the first day, Mark Philip Paderan, a representative from UNC who has visited UAD for several times, and 9 students of Physics Education introduced Indonesian Culture such as Indonesian traditional sports, traditional dance, and traditional food.
Furthermore, in the second day, two speakers from both parties were invited in Seminar on Best Practice on Campus Leadership. Dr. Widodo, M.Si as the representative of UAD presented “Campus Management in Pandemic Covid-19″. Angelica R. Cadag as the representative of UNC presented ‘Nurturing Mental Health in Resilient Educational Delivery of UNC”. The third day, fun discussion between UAD’s and UNS’ students on “How to Face Pandemic Era” was conducted.
In the last day, to open the conference, Eko Nursulityo, M.Pd. (The Head of Physics Education of UAD) presented “Virtual Teaching During The Pandemic”. It was followed by presentation delivered by Drs. Ishafit, M.Si. on “Remote Physics Laboratory (R-Phylab).”
The third speaker, Michel P.Basister described about “Online Courses Commonly Used by Students in the Philippine”. Closing the one month conference, Yudhiakto Pramudya, Ph.D. told about astronomy.
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) and Mathematics Department of Universiti Terengganu Malaysia (UMT) conducting A Summer Joint Course On Machine Learning
/0 Comments/in Event, News /by adminWe are pleased to inform you that Mathematics Education, and Mathematics Department of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) and Mathematics Department of Universiti Terengganu Malaysia (UMT) are conducting A Summer Joint Course On Machine Learning. Machine Learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience and by the use of data. In this point of view is a part of artifial intelligence. One of the methods of machine learning is clustering. In this course, the participants will be introduced to fuzzy clustering and its implementation using google colab. Some fundamental concepts related to algebra and analysis for machine learning are also given. The credits for this course is equivalent to minimum of 2 credit.
This event invites credible and professional lecturers and instructors from Universitas Ahmad Dahlan who have been working on this project for years. It is virtually scheduled on 22nd to 28th of August 2021. Please kindly find the registration form in https://s.uad.id/SummerCourse2021 from 15th of July to 19th of August 2021. The participants are required to have Linear Algebra Courses, and Advance Calculus or equivalent. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to Dr. Puguh Wahyu Prasetyo, M.Sc. on this line +628562911051 of email puguh.prasetyo@pmat.uad.ac.id.
Lecturers and instructors:
Sugiyarto, Ph.D. (Lecturer of Mathematics Department, UAD)
Joko Eliyanto, M.Pd. (Study Center of Data Science, UAD)
Dr. Puguh Wahyu Prasetyo, M.Sc. (Lecturer of Mathematics Education Department, UAD)
Dr. Burhanuddin Arif Nugraha, M.Sc. (Lecturer of Mathematics Education Department, UAD)
Event details:
Day 1st : Metric Spaces 160 minutes
Day 2nd : Lagrange Optimization 180 minutes
Day 3rd : Linear Algebra 180 minutes
Day 4th : Matrices and Their Properties 180 minutes
Day 5th : Cluster Analysis 240 minutes
Day 6th : Fuzzy Clustering 240 minutes
Day 7th : Implementation and practice using google colab 360 minutes
Signing MoU between UAD and UNC
/0 Comments/in International Office Activities, News /by adminYogyakarta 9th June 2021, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) and University of Nueva Caceres (UNC) virtually signed MoU . UAD and UNC’s cooperation is a long collaboration. It was started in 2010 and extended several times. There are a lot of collaborations that successfully have been done, such as joint research, joint degree, joint seminar, joint publication, and so forth.
This warm meeting between UAD and UNC was officially opened by speeches from the vice-rectors for education affairs of both sides. Furthermore, it was attended by several deans, heads of departments, and heads of research centers. They discussed the possible future cooperation during the pandemic and after the pendemic.
UAD and Capiz State University Conducted A Meet and Greet Ceremony
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Yogyakarta 8th June 2021, UAD, and Capiz State University (Capsu), Philippines conducted a meet and greet Ceremony. The opening remarks were delivered by Rusydi Umar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of UAD), and Dr. Susan O Dangan (Vice President of Academic Affairs of Capsu). This meeting was attended by the faculty members, the heads of the research center, and the heads of the program study of both parties.
All of the participants eagerly discussed the possible cooperation during the pandemic of Covid-19 and after the pandemic.
International Cooperation Division Discussed ICT and IISMA Programs with the Head of Several Departments
/0 Comments/in International Office Activities, News, Scholarship /by adminYogyakarta (29 April), Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (The head of International Cooperation Division of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan) shared the International Credit Transfer (ICT) and Indonesian International Students Mobility Awards (IISMA) Programs conducted by The Director of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic of Indonesia with several heads of departments.
In this chance Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. shared the requirements, selection procedures, and possible opportunities of UAD’s students to get these programs. Furthermore, the participants actively discussed the possible challenges faced by the students during the application process.
To get more detailed info on the programs, you can access them here :
Indonesian International Students Mobility Awards (IISMA) is Holding an Open Call
/0 Comments/in News, Scholarship /by adminIISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Award) adalah skema beasiswa Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mendanai program mobilitas pelajar Indonesia ke universitas di luar negeri. Program ini tersedia untuk mahasiswa sarjana S1 dari semester 4 hingga 7 untuk belajar di universitas terbaik di dunia, mengalami budaya yang berbeda, dan membuat jaringan internasional untuk masa depan. Skema ini dikelola secara terpusat oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi (Ditjen Dikti), Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi (Kemendikbud) dan terbuka untuk mahasiswa sarjana dari seluruh perguruan tinggi Indonesia. Untuk program IISMA terbagi menjadi 2, IISMA Reguler dan Co- Dunding. Saat ini ada 5 mahasiswa UAD yang diterima sebagai Awardee IISMA di UK, Malaysia dan Polandia
Persyaratan :
- Mahasiswa aktif yang terdaftar di Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi (PDDIKTI) atau yang belum lulus;
- Warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang sedang berdomisili di Indonesia dan tidak berkewarganegaraan ganda;
- Mahasiswa semester 4 atau 6 universitas yang diakui di Indonesia (PTDN) di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi pada saat aplikasi program tahun 2023;
- Berumur maksimal 23 tahun pada tanggal 1 Juli 2023;
- Tidak pernah mengambil cuti kuliah selama studi sarjana;
- Tidak pernah mengikuti program mobilitas/pertukaran di luar negeri termasuk: Summer Program, Magang, Exchange, Credit Mobility, Sit-in, Dual/double degree selama studi sarjana;
- Memiliki IPK kumulatif minimal 3.0 (dari 4.0) dibuktikan dengan transkrip akademik terakhir;
- Kirimkan kemahiran bahasa Inggris yang memadai dengan skor minimum:*
- Mahasiswa S1 dari PTDN:
- Mencapai skor minimal TOEFL iBT – 78, IELTS – 6.0, atau Duolingo English Test – 100,
- Jika persyaratan kemahiran bahasa Inggris di universitas tuan rumah lebih tinggi dari poin (i) di atas atau hanya menerima jenis tes kemahiran bahasa Inggris tertentu, maka persyaratan bahasa yang ditetapkan oleh universitas tuan rumah akan diterapkan kepada pelamar, ke kode kelembagaan resmi IISMA untuk tes bahasa Inggris masing-masing*(cek disini)
- Diusulkan oleh dari PTDN atau PTPPV yang ditandatangani oleh Kaprodi;
- Tidak menerima tunjangan hidup dari dana/beasiswa lainnya dari Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi dan Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) selama Program IISMA;
- Tidak mengikuti program Kampus Merdeka lainnya bersamaan dengan Program IISMA;
- Tidak pernah mengikuti lebih dari 1 (satu) Program Kampus Merdeka sebelum Program IISMA;
- Tidak pernah melanggar aturan, norma, dan/atau hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia;
- Bersedia mengikuti tata tertib selama mengikuti IISMA
Waktu pelaksanaan : Pemberkasan biasanya akan dimulai sejak bulan Februari – Maret
Biaya : Persiapkan biaya untuk tes bahasa inggris , (Duolingo Rp. 700.000.,- Rp. 900.000., , IELTS Rp. 3.000.000.,-3.500.000), bagi calon awardee yang lulus , biaya tes bahasa inggris akan di reimburse oleh Universitas
Ida Puspita Moderated Online Webinar on “Delivering Online Learning and Using Appropriate Technologies.”
/0 Comments/in Event, News /by adminJakarta (25/3) Roughly 500 participants attended online webinar on “Delivering online learning and using appropriate technologies” conducted by Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education, and Culture Republic of Indonesia cooperating with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), the Australian Embassy Jakarta.
It was officially opened by Yulita Priyoningsih, S.Sos as the master of ceremony, and followed by the opening speech delivered by Prof. Ir. Nizam M.Sc., DIC., Ph. D. (The Director of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic of Indonesia ), and Elizabeth Campbell Dorning (Education and Science Counselor Australian Government Department of Education, Skill, and Employment (DESE).
The first session on “Designing Online Learning Materials” was presented by Karen Treloar (Director of Engagement, Australian Tertiary Education Quality Education Quality and Standard Agency (TEQSA). Furthermore, nine representatives from national, and Australian universities presented the possible cooperation between Indonesian and Australian universities. Indonesian representatives were Daryono (Indonesian Open University), Muhammad Andri (The State University of Padang), Hadziq Fabroyir (Sepuluh November Institute of Technology), and Ni Nyoman Padmadewi (Ganesha University of Education). Representatives from Australia were Matthew E. Mundy (Monash University), James Downes (Macquarie University), Deborah West (Flinders University), and Shelley Kinash (Macquarie University). This event was moderated by Ida Puspita (The head of International Cooperation Division of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan).
Sources http://bit.ly/webinardiktiuad
Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education, and Culture Republic of Indonesia Cooperating with The Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), the Australian Embassy Jakarta Conduct Online Webinar on “Delivering Online Learning”
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Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education, and Culture Republic of Indonesia cooperating with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), the Australian Embassy Jakarta are going to have a virtual webinar on “Delivering online learning and using appropriate technologies.” It is scheduled via zoom on Thursday 25 March at 09.00 A.M. This webinar is a follow-up of virtual Online Higher Education Policy Dialogue between Indonesia and Australia. It aims to develop educators’ creativity in creating e-learning contents and materials , and develop essential learning skill for the students.
Prof. Ir. Nizam M.Sc., DIC., Ph. D. (The Director of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic of Indonesia ) is invited as the keynote speaker. Besides that, Prof. drh. Aris Junaidi, Ph.D. (The Director of Learning and Student Affairs Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic of Indonesia (MoEC), Elizabeth Campbell Dorning (Education and Science Counselor Australian Government Department of Education, Skill, and Employment (DESE), and Karen Treloar (Director of Engagement, Australian Tertiary Education Quality Education Quality and Standard Agency (TEQSA) are invited as the speakers.
Furthermore, nine representatives from national, and Australian universities are going to present the possible cooperation between Indonesian and Australian universities. Indonesian representatives are Daryono (Indonesian Open University), Muhammad Andri (The State University of Padang), Hadziq Fabroyir (Sepuluh November Institute of Technology), and Ni Nyoman Padmadewi (Ganesha University of Education). Representatives from Australia are Matthew E. Mundy (Monash University), James Downes (Macquarie University), Deborah West (Flinders University), and Shelley Kinash (Macquarie University). This event is moderated by Ida Puspita (The head of International Cooperation Division of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan).
University Students from Ten Countries Participated in International-Week Held by International Division of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
/0 Comments/in Event, Feature, International Office Activities, News /by adminYogyakarta (13/3 21), due to the pandemic of Covid-19, International Division of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) virtually held international week (I-Week). This event has been conducted since 2011, it was named International Day. It aims to introduce international students, and cultures to local students, vice versa to introduce Indonesian culture to International students. Additionally, local, and international students contact offers the students the opportunity to improve their cross-cultural understanding, and skills.
I-Week consists of two main events, three competition (Cooking, photography, and story-telling), and a seminar. The application was opened in the middle of February, and closed on 7th of March. Respected to nowadays situation, this event took a topic on “Stay Creative in Pandemic Era”.
This event locally, and internationally brought tremendous enthusiasm. 93 participants applied photography competition, 71 local students, 1 Malaysian, 1 Singaporean, 2 Yemen, 6 Thai, and 2 Chinese. 80 participants applied for story-telling competition, 76 local students, 2 Chinese, 1 Egypt and 1 Thai. 51 participants registered for cooking competition, 43 local students, 2 Egyptians, 1 Palestinian, 4 Thai, and 1 Indian.
The participants were not only UAD’s students and alumnus, but also several students from other national and international universities such as Cairo University, Xiangshu College China, Canal Suez University Jordan, Diponegoro University, Jendral Soedirman University, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga, Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, Muhammadiyah Aceh University, Mulia Balikpapan University, Muhammadiyah Dr. Hamka University, University of Muhammadiyah Buton, University of Muhammadiyah Kudus, University of Muhammadiyah Pontianak, University of Muhammadiyah Palu, Politeknik Aisyiyah Pontianak, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, and University of Muhammadiyah Pontianak.
7 local and international students presented in international seminar. They are Mohamed Allieu Bah from Seirra Leone (student of Gadjah Mada University), Obaidullah from Bangladesh (student of UIN Sunan Kalijaga), Michael Vincent O.R from University of Saint Anthony the Philippines, Polina Korneenkova from Russia (student of ISI Yogyakarta), Hathsady Sisouphanh from National University of Laos, Tan Lin from Guangxi University of Foreign Languages China, and Omar Almaktari from Yemen (student of Politeknik Negeri Malang).
This event was officially opened by Rusydi Umar, Ph.D. (vice rector for academics of UAD), then it was followed by presentation delivered by the 7 participants of international seminar, the announcement of the competitions’ winner, and seminar discussion session.
Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (head of International Division) stated that the virtual international week is a virtual event of a yearly event, international day conducted since 2011, it aims to keep local and international students stay creative during the pandemic. Besides that, it promotes UAD nationally and internationally. The great enthusiasm from participants shows that UAD nationally, and internationally is well known, and has good collaborations.
Office of International Affairs
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Monday to Thursday : 08.00 – 14.00
Friday : 08.00 – 11.00
Saturday : 08.00 – 13.00
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