UAD conducts International Community Service Program
Located at Islamic Center Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Saturday 30 July 2016. Dr. H. Muchlas, M.T. (Vice Rector I), Prof. Sarbiran,Ph.D. (Vice Rector IV), Dra. Trikinasih Handayani, M.Si. (Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education) Dra. Rina Ratih Sri Sudaryani, M.Hum., Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office Affairs, head of some study programs and lecturers officially attended technical meeting of National and International Community Service Program.
This year, there are five teams consist of 38 students participate in International Community Service Program (KKN International) in UAD’s partners School in Thailand. They come from different study programs such as Physics Education, Biology Education, English Education, Mathematics Education,International Based Teacher Education of Biology, International Based Teacher Education of Mathematics, Primary School Teacher Education and Early Childhood Teacher Education. They are conducting International Community Service Program in Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School, Suksasat School, Songserm Sassana Vittaya School, Songserm Vittaya Munniti School and Wittayasan School for one month from 3rd of August to 1st of September 2016.
Before leaving Indonesia, from 29th of July to 2nd of August, 38 students have been taught Thai language by Thailand students and cross cultural understanding by Ida Puspita,M.A.Res. Further, four alumnus of “Alumni UAD Mengajar di Thailand Program” were invited to share their first-hand experiences of teaching in some school in Thailand.
Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. said, “ International Community Service Program is a yearly program that has been one of branded programs to bring better UAD nationally and internationally. Moreover, this program is one of the ways to give hand-on experience to the student a head of ASEAN Economics Free Trade”.