Darmasiswa Students Pour Their Experiences in Indonesia on A Bulletin Board
15th December 2015, Darmasiswa students created bulletin board to complete final exam of writing class. Sudaryanto, M.Pd. (lecturer of writing class) divided students into two groups. Each group consists of three students.
The first group consists of Liana Snitsar (Liana) from Ukraine, Kim Jong Jin (South Korea) who has Indonesian name Harry and Shakir Samadamaeng (Thailand).The second consist of Kim Soo Yeon (South Korea) having Indonesian name Ayu, Li Lening (Kinanti) and Adam Makeng (Thailand).
Main themes are Indonesian Tourism and Indonesian Life. All of the students worked hard for one hour before presenting their creations. They presented their creation in front of the class actively.
“Their bulletin boards meet the themes and those are almost perfect. In addition, since in one team consists of students from different countries. Students learn how to work in a team work, as well”, said Sudaryanto,M.Pd.