UAD Builds Up Cooperation with Some Universities in Spain
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and some delegations of private universities in Yogyakarta visited Spain From 14th to 23 October 2016 to participate in Indonesian Education Fair. In this enormous opportunities, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan was represented by Dr.Kasiyarno,M.Hum. (Rector of UAD) and Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office).
Some of this visit schedules are, conducting Indonesian education fair in the first day, visiting some universities in some cities in the following days and discussing with Indonesian Embassy in Madrid. 20th October 2016, as part of the schedules, all delegations visited Universitat Jaume I. They were warmly welcomed by the university’s members and staff. After that, all of the parties members discussed the possible cooperation between representative of Yogyakarta’s universities and Universitat Jaume I.
In the next day, 21st October 2016, within the ten days framework of the visit in Spain, delegations of Yogyakarta’s private universities visited Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). In this warm meeting, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. (Rector of UAD), Ida PuspitaM.A.Res. (Director of international Office) and other delegations discussed, planed and schedule the possible cooperation between Yogyakarta’s universities especially UAD with UAB in the near future.
Delegations came back to Indonesia in the 23th October with bunch of plans they need to realize in the short future.