iHiLead Conducted A Kick-off Meeting
/0 Comments/in Feature, International Office Activities, News /by adminTuesday (2/3) Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) team under coordination of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic of Indonesia conducted a kick-off meeting to inaugurate and discuss “Implementation of Indonesian Higher Education (iHiLead) on Freedom to Learn Freedom Campus Policy”.
This meeting was attended by seven inHiLead consortium Indonesia, and three inHiLead consortium Europe. Prof. Ir. Nizam M.Sc., DIC., Ph. D. (The Director of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic of Indonesia ), David Dawson, Ph.D., FCIPD., SHEA. (University of Gloucestershire), and H.E. Vincent Piket, M.A., Ph.D. (Ammbasador of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam) presented the possible implementation cooperation between Indonesian and European institutions. This meeting was moderated by Ida Puspita, S.S., M.A.Res. (the head of International Cooperation Division of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan).
Prof. Ir. Nizam M.Sc., DIC., Ph. D. stated that iHiLead consortium partnership agreement aims to strengthen cooperation between Indonesian and European Higher Education Institutions. Furthermore, it invests strong Indonesian human resources facing the economic growth (Utantoro, 2021).
iHiLead consortium in Indonesia
- Directorate General of Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia
- Badan Wakaf University Indonesia
- Perkumpulan Pengelola Pendidikan Malangkucecwara
- Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
- Universitas Brawidjaja
- Universitas Negeri Semarang
- Universitas Pajajaran
- Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas Presiden
iHiLead Consortium in Europe
- University of Gloucestershire
- Mednarodna Fakulteta za Družbene in Poslovne Študije Zavod
- Universidad de Granada
Utantoro (2021). https://m.mediaindonesia.com/nusantara/388249/10-kampus-indonesia-dan-eropa-luncurkan-program-kerja-sama. (Retrieved 4th March 2021).
UAD held Closing Ceremony for Foreign Students
/0 Comments/in Darmasiswa, Event, International Office Activities, News /by admin
Located in the Auditorium Campus 3 May 3, 2019, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan under the Office of International Affairs (KUI) held the closing ceremony for foreign students. There are 48 foreign students who have finished studying at UAD. They came from several different programs, including 12 students from the Darmasiswa Program (Indonesian Language and Culture Program for 1 year), the twelve students came from Yemen, China, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam Hungary, Egypt and Tajikistan. Nine Chinese students graduated from Indonesian Literature Department under 2 + 2 Program and 5 Chinese also graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business. 11 Students under The 3 + 1 Program graduated from Faculty of Economics and Business and 1 student graduated from the Faculty of Literature Culture and Communication. Two Thai students graduated from English Education Department and Economic Development Deparment.
The theme of closing ceremony was ‘Balada Cinta Dewi Safitri’. The event was opened by the head of the International Affairs Office Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. The event was also attended by Teachers of Darmasiswa, UAD Lecturers, Indonesian students and UAD international students and the event was also open to the public. In this closing ceremony, foreign students presented several Indonesian arts and arts from their respective countries including Sajojo dance by Darmasiswa program students, songs from Chinese students, and others.
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Oficially Sends Five Students to Joint SEA Teacher Program
/0 Comments/in Event, International Office Activities, News, Scholarship /by adminUniversitas Ahmad Dahlan under Office of International Office Affairs officially sent five students to joint SEA Teacher Program. The Sea Teacher Program or the Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia is an opportunity for all students from the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) member countries to teach abroad. There are 11 participating countries (Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam). This year, UAD for the first time sends and accepts students for the program. Nor Hasanah from Mathematics Education, she will teach at Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University (VRU) Thailand, Lathief Viana Saryhaque Hadyyuwono from Biology education, she will teach in VRU Thailand, Putri Maghfirotul Hasanah from Physics Education, she will teach at Benguet State University ( BSU) Philippine, Nila Wati from English Education, she will teach at Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University (VRU) Thailand, and Suryani from Early Childhood Education (PAUD), she will teach at Thepsatri Rajabhat University (TRU) Thailand.
In the same occasion, UAD also sent 15 students for AIMS program. Arabic Language and Literature sent 10 students namely Iqbal Mubarok, Muhammad Deden Irwandi, Aditya Prayogo, Aji Saeful Ramdan, Restu Agung Fadilah, Siti Muflikhah Uswanas, Hafizatur Rahmi and Novia Nurhayati who will study at Universiti of Malaya (UM) from September 2018 until January 2019. English letters sent 5 students namely, Elisa Istianah and Helmatun Fauza Ulfah who will study at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia from September 2018 until January 2019 and Galih Prabowo, Nida Zakiatul Khusna and Yumna Afaf Hanifah who will study at Thammasat University Thailand from August to December 2018.
Yudha Puratmaja, An Outstanding Student of UAD
/0 Comments/in Event, Feature, International Office Activities, News /by adminYudha Purajmaja is an active last semester student of Faculty of Public Health of UAD. He has a large number of national and international achievement. In 17th-23th June 2018, he participated in Youth Leadership Camp (YLC) 2018 di Maharishi Markandershwar Deemed to be University (MMDU), India. He was one of two students of UAD and one of 20 students from ten countries who participated in this event. This event aims to enhance soft skill, strengthen teamwork, improve communication skills, introduce Indian culture through a city tour, and exchange culture among the participants.
There are numbers of activities in this event such as visiting Department of Preventive and Social Medicine of MMDU, having class on Non-Communicable Disease dan Communicable Disease in India, and city tour to Chandigarh dan Kurukshetra. In the last of this event, Yudha was chosen as the Mr. Talented of Youth Leadership Camp 2018”. It was decided based on his performance in introducing Indonesia through Indonesian dancing.
Yudha had been international buddies (iBuddies) of International Office Affairs (OIA) for two periods. He said that, “Being part of International Buddies gives larger opportunities to get information about international seminars and scholarship to study abroad”.
Furthermore, in 2016, he got an outstanding opportunity to study at Khon Kaen University, one of UAD’s partner in Thailand. He studied under the full grant of Belmawa of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. In 2017, Yudha represented Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) in a Global Youth Culture Camp 2017 conducted at Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea.
UAD Visited University of Otago (UO), New Zealand.
/0 Comments/in Event, Feature, International Office Activities, News /by adminDr. Nurkhasanah, M.Si., Apt. (Head of the Department of Pharmacy of UAD) and Dr. drh. Sapto Yuliani M.P. (Lecturer of the Department of Pharmacy of UAD) visited University of Otago (UO), New Zealand. They were accompanied by Irfan YuniantoS.Si., M.Sc., a lecturer of UAD who has been studying at UO.
In this official visit, they conducted a meeting to discuss possible cooperation between the Department of Pharmacy of UAD and school of pharmacy of UO. Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in some majors. After that, they visited the campus health care center, drugstore, and laboratories of UO.
In this visit, Dr. Nurkhasanah, M.Si., Apt. and Dr. drh. Sapto Yuliani M.P. do not only discussed the possible cooperation between two parties but also were invited as the speaker in A Research Seminar Series.
Good luck!
UAD Signs oint Curriculum Grant Contract
/0 Comments/in Event, International Office Activities, News /by adminIda Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office of UAD) signed Joint Curriculum Grant Contract with ten other Indonesian universities. She also signed MoU with Edi Mulyono, SE, MM (A Head of Sub Directorate of Vocational Education and Profession) of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia for English Literature and Arabic Literature Department of UAD under ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) scholarship programme.
Unstoppable You international Youth Event at UAD
/0 Comments/in Event, Feature, International Office Activities, News /by adminDear students, you are invited to participate in Unstoppable You international youth event. UnstoppableYou is a 2-hour energy packed program that’s working to realize meaningful careers. This event will take place at Ruang Sidang Utama Kampus 1 UAD on 3rd July 2018 at 08.30-11.30.
Please download detailed info here
- Active students of UAD
- GPA 3,5
- TOEFL (last 6 months)
- Expanding your horizons on the world
- Having new international friends
- Getting more information about international cooperation
- Certificate from BIMAWA
- And much more
How to Apply:
- Fill out the application form (download here)
- Copy of your latest GPA
- Copy of your Students ID
Submit your application at International Office Jl. Kapas No.9 Semaki Yogyakarta
Application Deadline
Apply | Deadline
Announcement |
7th June 2018 | 28th June 2018 at 2 PM | 30 June 2018 by email |
Limited for 50 students!
UAD Welcomes Representative from Hungkuang University
/0 Comments/in Event, International Office Activities, News /by adminUAD under International Office Affairs welcomed Grace Yang (Head of International Office of Hungkuang University, Taiwan). In this opportunity, faculty members of UAD and Mrs. Grace Yang discussed the possible cooperation between two parties.
In 2017, UAD sent two students, a student of English Letter and a student of Biology Education to participate in an International Culture Workcamp.
In 2018, one student of English Letter is scheduled to participate in International Cultural Workcamp and one student of Faculty of Pharmacy is scheduled to study for one semester at Hungkuang University. Both of the programs are fully funded by Hungkuang University.
Further, Grace Yang as the representative of Hungkuang University offers a scholarship for alumni of Faculty of Industrial Technology UAD to take Master Degree at Hungkuang University by next year.
Closing Ceremony of International Programs
/0 Comments/in Event, International Office Activities, News, Scholarship /by adminSaturday, located at Ruang Auditorium Kampus 1 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, UAD under International Office Affairs held a closing ceremony for international students.
Taking “Jaka Tarub Goes Global” as the theme of this event aims to globally introduce Indonesian culture through musical drama.
The Legend of Jaka Tarub is a folklore from East Java, it tells about a handsome young man who is looking for a wife. Many girls fall in love with him, but he thinks they are not beautiful enough for him. Then he finally married a beautiful fairy. The roles of this musical drama were Darmasiswa students (4 Egyptians, 2 Thai students, 3 Vietnamese, 3 Chineses and 2 Tunisians). Not only Darmasiswa students played in a drama, but the joint degree (China and Malaysia) and regular students (Thailand, Yemen, Timor Leste) also performed their countries traditional drama and music.
This event was officially opened by Prof. Sarbiran, Ph.D. (Vice Rector IV of UAD). After that, Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Director of International Office Affairs) delivered speech on “International Cooperation of UAD”. Furthermore, it was attended by faculty members of UAD, local students of UAD and international students from most of the universities in Yogyakarta.
50 international students graduated from UAD, they are 14 students under Darmasiswa Program, Joint Degree 1 year program from Guangxi University for Nationalities 8 students, Joint Degree 2 years program from Guangxi University for Nationalities 18 students, 5 students of ASEAN International Mobility Students (AIMS) and 5 regular students from Thailand.
Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. (Rector of UAD) and Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T. (Vice Rector III) gave medals to the representative of the international students.
Office of International Affairs
Campus 1 (Head Office) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166.
+62274-563515 (Ext-1193)
+62812 2999 7601

OIA UAD Office Hours
Monday to Thursday : 08.00 – 14.00
Friday : 08.00 – 11.00
Saturday : 08.00 – 13.00
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